Glass house upside down on Dersauer Kunsttage
Ceci ne sont pas des maisons

Glass, 190 x 140 x 140 cm
Photo: Joachim Plötner

© VG Bildkunst Bonn

Glass house sculpture

Glass sculpture construction view

Ceci ne sont pas des maisons

Dersauer Kunsttage 1999

During the Dersau Art Days, three house sculptures of the same size were built in the landscape around Lake Plön. Two made of wood, which were placed in two spots in the forest. Another sculpture made of glass was placed with the gable diagonally into the ground, the excavated soil and plants were embedded inside the gable.
For the period of this sculpture's existence, a kind of microclimatic niche with its own water balance was created inside the sculpture, which allowed the plants to continue growing.
The glass house was destroyed by vandalism.

wooden house sculpture
Ceci ne sont pas des maisons

Wood, Installation Dersau, Plöner See

© VG Bildkunst Bonn

wooden house sculpture
Ceci ne sont pas des maisons

Wood, 190 x 140 x 140 cm, Installation, Dersau, Plöner See

© VG Bildkunst Bonn

wooden house sculpture
Ceci ne sont pas des maisons

Wood, 190 x 140 x 140 cm, Installation Dersau, Plöner See