
Meldorfer Schwung (swing) Two hemisheres Ti penso spesso NordArt Babylon
no title (Dersau) 1,2,3... Destna/ Tschechische Republik void Flesh Instant Archetypes Paradise
Stelle (spot/site) Delphi Sinai Armageddon Tree Temple Tomorrow everything will be all right 'I tell you...' Berlin Tango natura morta wall piece no title (one size fits all) void Nuage/cloud Politics Wax cast Tor/Gate Veto Ein Denkort für Pinneberg 'I tell you...' no title Natura morta void installation whitebox munich Heimat/Home Four elements
void Wax cast
void Tomorrow everything will be all right Flesh, steel sclupture 'I tell you...' void Wax and Polyurethan casts void Mixed media landscapes Invisible sculpture project no title (Circle) Bus Stop void Bus Stop Four elements void Heimat/Home void Four Elements void Ein Denkort für Pinneberg (Rendering) Nothingness Künstlerhaus Vienna
Any good work of art should have at least ten meanings

Walter De Maria
Kopfstand void Brick house
stainless steel sculpture natura morta large scale sculpture Four elements Four elements void